Hair Fixing Zone

Hair Fixing / Bonding / Weaves / Patches for Men

Men’s Hair Loss-Hair Fixing / Bonding / Weaving patches for Men

Suffer hair loss from baldness? A nature and comfortable non surgical hair loss solution from Hair Fixing Zone is here for you. Normally Hair Fixing Method is a non-surgical Hair Replacement Procedure. In common man’s parlance this refers to Hair Weaving or Hair Fixing or Hair Bonding. Hair fixing gives you an exact natural look, For Hair fixing takes less time than hair transplantation.

Hair Fixing Zone provides customized solutions for hair fixing in Bangalore to meet the individual’s requirement and to match the color and characteristics of the real hair.This process commensurate with a general evaluation of the extent of baldness. Some observations are made on evaluating existing density, thickness of the retained hair, and comfort on ambient temperature for the patient and the patient’s expectations.

Hair Patches for Men

There are broadly three methods that are normally adopted to fix a Hair unit

Hair Weaving – A track is prepared with one’s own existing hair, reinforced with a medicated thread and used as a base to weave the external attachment or the hair piece which is the same color, density and thickness as the original hair. Then it is cut and styled based on the inputs from the patient, maybe his previous photographs or a style that suits his current look could be implemented. This client needs to visit the clinic once in 45 to 60 days depending on how fast the hair of the patient grows. Then on his subsequent visits the unit is nicely cleaned, serviced and restored in the same form again.

Hair Bonding – As same as Hair Replacement and Hair Fixing, Hair Bonding comes under non-surgical hair replacement/hair restoration procedure with no side effects and less time it takes. Hair bonding is also less costly. In this procedure the patch will be attached to the existing hair and it completely gives a natural look.This client needs to visit the clinic once in 25 to 30 days for Service. Then on his subsequent visits the unit is nicely cleaned, serviced and restored in the same form again.

Hair Fixing Zone’s non surgical hair replacement just looks, feels like your own hair! No need fear your everyday activities any more! Go swimming, take a shower, play outside with your family.

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